Albania’s Foreign Trade During the Period 1945-1961: Impact of Rapid Industrialisation Strategy

Genti Guxho – Textile Department, Polytechnic University of Tirana, 1001 Tirana, Albania

Abstract: In the People’s Republic of Albania, foreign trade played an important role in the national economy because it provided machinery, equipment, consumer goods, and technological expertise that Albania could not produce on its own. Moreover, by engaging in trade initially with the Soviet bloc and later with China, Albania was able to secure the capital required for industrialization without putting undue pressure on its economy. This was due to the absence of immediate payment obligations, the flexibility of loan terms, and the frequent conversion of loans into grants. Foreign trade also indirectly reflected the internal economic situation of Albania, the crises in its relations with other communist countries, and the flow of capital in the economy. Therefore, for the objectives of this study, it is essential to consider this economic sector.

Keywords: Foreign trade; Cold war; industrialisation; Albania; Soviet bloc.

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Publication Date: 26.12.2024 

How to Cite: Guxho G. Albania’s Foreign Trade During the Period 1945-1961: Impact of Rapid Industrialization Strategy, Journal of Integrated Engineering and Applied Sciences 2025; 3(1); 109-129.


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